Honors and award winners
Many of our employees were recognized for their excellent performance in research, teaching and administration.
We would like to congratulate them and thank them for their great commitment!
Decoration of Honour of the Province of Styria 2023
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gottfried Kirchengast
Outstanding Reviewer Award 2022 from IOP Publishing
Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Douglas Maraun
Most Cited Paper Award 2022, for a review paper in the Journal: Resources, Conservation & Recycling
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rupert Baumgartner, Josef-Peter Schöggl, PhD, Lukas Stumpf, MSc
Elise Richter-PEEK Research grant from the FWF for
Dr. Annike Kruse
WKO scholarship (video)
Laura Wallenko, MSc
Anton Schelnast Awards for Performance and Innovation
AR Bettina Hötzl (Engagement Team)
AR Silvia Sackl (Engagement Team)
FOI Anneliese Pirs (Innovation Einzel)
Arqus Teaching Excellence Award, Cat. Empowerment of students
Prof. (FH) Dr. Birgit Phillips
Arqus Teaching Award, Cat. Research based talk
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kathrin Otrel-Cass
DOC Scholarship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
Simone Müller, BA MA
Graz Women's Prize in the Cat. Outstanding Commitment
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heike Wendt
Anton Schelnast Prize for Achievement and Innovation
Heidi Kinast, Mag. phil. MA (Cooperation Team)
Austrian Health Literacy Award 2022 in the cat. Practice
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Barbara Gasteiger-Klicpera
Austrian of the Year 2022 in the category Research ("Press")
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andrea Steiner
Young Investigator Award of the Austrian Sports Science. Society
Carina Scharf, BSc MSc
Humus Ambassador for outstanding scientific commitment to climate protection and humus formation (Ökoregion Kaindorf)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gottfried Kirchengast
Austrian Science Award for Social Work
Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Wrentschur
Sports Best Paper Award for the publication "cancer"
Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Hofmann
EAERE Award for outstanding publication, Journal: Environmental and Resource Economics
Ass.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Borsky and Keith Williges, MSc
Best Student Paper Award
Katharina Berger, MSc
Anton Schelnast Awards for Achievement and Innovation
Martin Regele (Engagement Einzel)
Tanja Untergrabner (Engagement Einzel)
Award of Excellence from the BMI for Education, Science and Research
Caroline Breyer, MSc PhD
Wissenschaftspreis der AK Oberösterreich für die Dissertation
Markus Meschik, MA PhD
Best Paper Award, Internat. Symposium on Digital Earth in Salzburg
Ass.-Prof. Dr. Manuela Hirschmugl
Marietta-Blau Fellowship-Stipendium des BMBWF
Rivka Saltiel, MA
Young Investigator Award der Österr. Sportwiss. Gesellschaft
Carina Scharf, BSc MSc
"Ars Docendi" State Prize for Excellent Teaching
Elena Stuhlpfarrer, BA MA
Spokesperson for Earth Observation and Climate Strategies at the University of Graz
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gottfried Kirchengast
WegenerNet team becomes a member of the ESA EarthCare Mission Ground Validation Team in July 2020
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gottfried Kirchengast, DI Jürgen Fuchsberger and Assoz.Prof. Dr. Ulrich Foelsche
Award "PR Panther - Communicator of the Year"
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gottfried Kirchengast, Dr. Stefanie Lindstaedt (Head of the Know-Center at TU Graz)
Teaching Award (Teaching: "Excellent") for outstanding and innovative courses
Ass.-Prof. Dr. Georg Jäger
Award of Excellence of the BMBWF and BMK
Dr. Marie-Lisa Kapeller
Appreciation Award of the BMBWF for the best graduate in the diploma/master's program
Sabine Fritz, BSc MSc
Sustainability Award of the BMBWF and BMK, 1st prize in the category Communication & Decision Making
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gottfried Kirchengast (+ eight co-authors), including Prof. Dr. Karl Steininger