Admission procedure for doctoral studies
A selection committee made up of three people (first supervisor, head of the doctoral school, dean of studies/vice dean of studies) decides on admission to the interdisciplinary or natural sciences doctoral program. As the decision within the framework of a qualitative admission procedure takes some time, please note the following application deadline:
Application period for the summer semester 2025 starts on December 1, 2024 and ends on April 30, 2025!
Doctoral School of Education
Please note the Admission requirements for the doctoral program at the DS Educational Science with a specialization in Adult and Continuing Education or Inclusive Education or Social Pedagogy or Elementary Education or Pedagogy.
Step 1
First of all, a research topic and a supervisor are required to apply for admission to the doctoral program. Supervision can only be provided by habilitated members of the doctoral school. In consultation with the supervisor, the application for admission to the doctoral program and admission to the doctoral school must be recorded in writing and, in addition to the student's and supervisor's details, must also include the study program to be applied for (selection of the curriculum), a working title and a brief description (as an enclosure) of the research objective or research question and the supervision agreement.
Furthermore, a second supervisor must be chosen and optionally a mentor. These can be persons with a teaching authorization (habilitation) at a university or research institution if they are habilitated in the field or sub-field to which the dissertation is to be assigned. The mentor's task is to support the doctoral candidate and the supervisor with regard to adequate training and effective supervision and to monitor the progress of the dissertation project.
Please also note the information on the admission process for the interdisciplinary doctoral program linked here!
Step 2:
The second step is to apply for the doctoral program using the application tool of the University of Graz.
The following documents are mandatory for this online application:
- Application for admission to the doctoral program and admission to the doctoral school
- Current photo/photo (according to the criteria for passport photos)
- Photo ID (passport or identity card)
- e-card
- Proof of completed studies
- List of courses attended during the preliminary studies
- Application for admission to the degree program
- Abstract/exposé
- Curriculum vitae
- Letter of motivation
Doctoral School of Geography and Spatial Research
Step 1
To apply for admission to the doctoral program, you first need a research topic and a supervisor. Supervision can only be provided by habilitated members of the doctoral school. In consultation with the supervisor, the application for admission to the doctoral program and admission to the doctoral school must be recorded in writing and, in addition to the student's and supervisor's details, must also include the study program to be applied for (selection of the curriculum), a working title and a brief description (as an enclosure) of the research objective or research question and the supervision agreement.
Furthermore, a second supervisor must be chosen and optionally a mentor. These can be persons with a teaching authorization (habilitation) at a university or research institution if they are habilitated in the field or sub-field to which the dissertation is to be assigned. The mentor's task is to support the doctoral candidate and the supervisor with regard to adequate training and effective supervision and to monitor the progress of the dissertation project.
Please also note the information on the admission process for the interdisciplinary and natural sciences doctoral program linked here!
Step 2:
The second step is to apply for the doctoral program using the application tool of the University of Graz.
The following documents are mandatory for this online application:
- Application for admission to the doctoral program and admission to the doctoral school
- Current photo/photo (according to the criteria for passport photos)
- Photo ID (passport or identity card)
- e-card
- Proof of completed studies
- List of courses attended during the preliminary studies
- Application for admission to the degree program
- Abstract/exposé
- Curriculum vitae
- Letter of motivation
Doctoral School of Sport and Exercise Sciences
Step 1
First of all, a research topic and a supervisor are required to apply for admission to the doctoral program. Supervision can only be provided by habilitated members of the doctoral school. In consultation with the supervisor, the application for admission to the doctoral program and admission to the doctoral school must be recorded in writing and, in addition to the student's and supervisor's details, must also include the study program to be applied for (selection of the curriculum), a working title and a brief description (as an enclosure) of the research objective or research question and the supervision agreement.
Furthermore, a second supervisor must be chosen and optionally a mentor. These can be persons with a teaching authorization (habilitation) at a university or research institution if they are habilitated in the field or sub-field to which the dissertation is to be assigned. The mentor's task is to support the doctoral candidate and the supervisor with regard to adequate training and effective supervision and to monitor the progress of the dissertation project.
Please also note the information on the admission process for the interdisciplinary and natural sciences doctoral program linked here!
Step 2:
The second step is to apply for the doctoral program using the application tool of the University of Graz.
The following documents are mandatory for this online application:
- Application for admission to the doctoral program and admission to the doctoral school
- Current photo/photo (according to the criteria for passport photos)
- Photo ID (passport or identity card)
- e-card
- Proof of completed studies
- List of courses attended during the preliminary studies
- Application for admission to the degree program
- Abstract/exposé
- Curriculum vitae
- Letter of motivation
Doctoral School of Environmental Systems Science
Step 1
To apply for admission to the doctoral program, you first need a research topic and a supervisor. Supervision can only be provided by habilitated members of the doctoral school. In consultation with the supervisor, the application for admission to the doctoral program and admission to the doctoral school must be recorded in writing and, in addition to the student's and supervisor's details, must also include the study program to be applied for (selection of the curriculum), a working title and a brief description (as an enclosure) of the research objective or research question and the supervision agreement.
Furthermore, a second supervisor must be chosen and optionally a mentor. These can be persons with a teaching authorization (habilitation) at a university or research institution if they are habilitated in the field or sub-field to which the dissertation is to be assigned. The mentor's task is to support the doctoral candidate and the supervisor with regard to adequate training and effective supervision and to monitor the progress of the dissertation project.
Please also note the information on the admission process for the interdisciplinary and natural sciences doctoral program linked here!
Step 2:
The second step is to apply for the doctoral program using the application tool of the University of Graz.
The following documents are mandatory for this online application:
- Application for admission to the doctoral program and admission to the doctoral school
- Current photo/photo (according to the criteria for passport photos)
- Photo ID (passport or identity card)
- e-card
- Proof of completed studies
- List of courses attended during the preliminary studies
- Application for admission to the degree program
- exposé
- curriculum vitae
- Letter of motivation