During the doctoral program
Once you have successfully registered for the doctoral program and gained admission, you can concentrate on your research topic. However, you should not forget a few organizational matters as you progress through your studies.
The most important points are summarized below.
Step 3 - Writing the exposé (humanities doctorate only in curriculum 16W!!!!)
If you have not already done this for admission, now is the right time during the first semester to write your exposé and send it to urbi.doktorat(at)uni-graz.at.
The exposé (description of the dissertation project) must contain the following points
- the objectives and research questions,
- a detailed discussion of the literature on the current state of research
- the research methods,
- the scientific added value and the project implications,
- a timetable (the duration of the doctoral studies is at least 6 semesters) and
- a comprehensive bibliography.
The exposé must convincingly demonstrate the meaningfulness and feasibility of the dissertation project.
Step 4 - Supervision agreement (humanities doctorate only in curriculum 16W!!!)
A supervision agreement must be concluded with the supervisor and a mentor must be chosen. In any case, only a person with a teaching authorization (habilitation) who is a member of the respective doctoral school may be considered as supervisor of the dissertation. As a rule, the mentor must also be chosen from among the members of the doctoral school. If necessary, other persons with a teaching authorization (habilitation) at a university or research institution can also be applied for as a mentor if they are habilitated in the field or sub-field to which the dissertation is to be assigned. The mentor's task is to support the doctoral candidate and the supervisor with regard to adequate training and effective supervision and to monitor the progress of the dissertation project. The form "Supervision Agreement for Dissertations" must be completed in full, signed and sent to urbi.doktorat(at)uni-graz.at.
Based on the documents submitted, admission to the doctoral school is then granted by the Dean of Studies.
Step 5 - Determining the courses
Use the "Protocol sheet for doctoral studies" to determine the name of your dissertation subject and the elective subject after consultation with the supervisor of your dissertation. Please also enter the planned courses in this form to ensure in advance that these courses are suitable for the compulsory subject, the elective subject and, if applicable, for the interdisciplinary methods subject. Please note that these must be courses that are offered specifically for the doctoral program. In any case, courses that are also assigned to a Bachelor's degree program are excluded. The decision on the admissibility of the elective subject or courses is the responsibility of the relevant Dean of Studies.
If you are considering using various academic achievements (conference contributions, workshop participation, ...) instead of courses in the elective subject, please contact the URBI Examination Office at urbi.anerkennung(at)uni-graz.at to discuss the exact procedure.
The following subjects can be chosen as compulsory and/or elective subjects in the doctoral program at the Doctoral School of Education:
- General Pedagogy
- Continuing education
- Social pedagogy
- Inclusive pedagogy
In this context, please also note the Doctoral School of Education's guidelines on the recognition of academic achievements
The following subjects can be chosen as compulsory subjects in the doctoral program at the Doctoral School of Sport and Exercise Sciences:
- Exercise Science
- Exercise and health promotion
- Exercise and sports pedagogy
- Biomechanics
- public health
- Training sciences
- Sports physiology
Other subjects can also be chosen for the elective subject after consultation with the Doctoral School of Sport and Exercise Sciences.
Protocol sheet for the humanities doctorate