About to graduate?
Have you already progressed further in your studies or are you about to graduate?
However, there are a few administrative procedures and deadlines to consider before you can hold your degree certificate and graduation notice in your hands. We have summarized them for you here.
The Bachelor thesis
The Bachelor's thesis is an independent piece of written work that must be completed as part of a course.
The Bachelor's thesis is supervised by the course instructor(s) in the course you have chosen according to the curriculum. You must be registered for the course or have already completed it. The topic of your Bachelor's thesis must be meaningfully related to the topic of this course. Please note that the thesis must be entered in UGO after registration with the course instructor.
Please note: Bachelor's theses must be submitted for assessment after three semesters at the latest, otherwise the course instructor may withdraw supervision!
All Bachelor's theses are checked for good scientific practice. For this purpose, the thesis must be uploaded to UGO:
Instructions for uploading the Bachelor's thesis to UNIGRAZonline
Completion of a Bachelor's degree
To complete a Bachelor's degree, please fill out the transcript of records for your studies and send it to the responsible office together with any certificates of recognition:
- Educational Science: Elisabeth Seiser, Institute for Educational Science
- Geography: Julia Vincenza Berghofer, Institute of Geography and Spatial Research
- Environmental System Sciences - Geography (USW / Geo): Julia Vincenza Berghofer, Institute of Geography and Spatial Research
- Sport and Exercise Sciences: Secretariat at the Institute of Human Movement Sciences, Sport and Health
For the following studies, please submit the transcript of records directly to the Dean's Office at urbi(at)uni-graz.at:
- Environmental Systems Science - Management (USW / MGT)
- Environmental Systems Science - Business Administration Version 2017
Environmental Systems Science - Economics (USW / VWL)
You can also keep track of your study progress in the UNIGRAZonline app "My studies" and assign individual courses to your studies.
The Master's thesis
Registration of the Master's thesis (topic announcement)
The Master's thesis must be registered with the Examination Office immediately after agreement with the supervisor, but no later than 3 months before submission for assessment. For this purpose, the completed form signed by you and your supervisor must be sent by e-mail to urbi(at)uni-graz.at. After approval of the topic and the supervisor, the thesis will be created in UNIGRAZonline.
Changing the topic and/or the supervisor(s) of the Master's thesis
Changing the topic or the supervisor is permitted, but requires a new approval process. This means a step back to the point Registration of the Master's thesis.
Please clarify with your supervisor the internal guidelines for the layout and citation rules of your Master's thesis. Irrespective of this, please make sure that the title page of your Master's thesis is designed in accordance with the sample templates and the ÖNORM .
Attention: For data protection reasons, no affidavit may be included in the thesis!
Submitting your Master's thesis
You submit your thesis without exception via the "My theses" app in UNIGRAZonline. You can find detailed instructions here.
If your supervisor is not employed at the University of Graz, please inform the Examination Office immediately of the submission by e-mail.
The period between submission of the Master's thesis and the final board examination or defense of the Master's thesis must not be less than four weeks.
Furthermore, the final examination or defense of the Master's thesis must be announced at least two weeks in advance, which is why the examination may be taken at the earliest two weeks after the report has been submitted to the Examination Office.
Please note that the thesis must be submitted in good time, as the assessment may take up to two months from submission.
Temporary exclusion of the use of the Master's thesis
If the publication of the thesis would jeopardize important legal or economic interests, you can apply for the thesis to be blocked for a maximum of 5 years. During the embargo period, your thesis will not be publicly accessible. Please complete the application form and send it by e-mail to urbi(at)uni-graz.at immediately after submitting the thesis in UNIGRAZonline.
Completion of a Master's degree
To complete a Master's degree program, please fill out the transcript sheet for your degree program and submit it to the responsible office together with any certificates of recognition:
For the following studies, submit the transcript sheet directly to the Institute of Geography and Spatial Research:
- Applied Physical Geography and Mountain Research
- Geospatial Technologies
- Sustainable Urban and Regional Development
- Environmental Systems Science - Geography Applied Human-Environment Research (USW / Geo-AMU)
For the following studies, please submit the transcript of records directly to the Institute of Educational Science:
- Inclusive Education
- Adult and continuing education
- Social Pedagogy
For the following studies, please submit the transcript of records directly to the Institute of Human Movement Sciences, Sport and Health:
- Sport and Exercise Science
For the following degree programs, please submit the transcript of records directly to the Dean's Office :
- Elementary Education
- Environmental Systems Sciences / Climate Change and Transformation Science
- Environmental Systems Sciences / Sustainability and Innovation Management (ESS / SIM)
- Environmental Systems Sciences / Economics (ESS / Econ)
- Global Studies - specialization in society and culture
- Global Studies - specialization in Law and Politics
- Global Studies - specialization in Economics and Environment
- Environmental Systems Sciences - Economics (USW / VWL) Version 2011
- International Master's Program on Cirucular Economy
- Joint International Master's Program in Sustainable Development
Registration for the final examination
You can only register for the final board examination once you have successfully completed all courses in your curriculum and your Master's thesis has been positively assessed.
If your degree program includes a defense of the Master's thesis (e.g. Global Studies), you can register for this after a positive assessment of the Master's thesis.
You can find further information on registering for the final examination in the fields of study from the educational sciences here: Institute for Educational Science
In all other fields of study, it is up to the students themselves to propose an examination senate and an examination date. When choosing examiners, it is important to ensure that only habilitated academic staff or other qualified experts are used as examiners. Registration is made by sending the completed application form to urbi(at)uni-graz.at by the deadline.
Degree certificate and graduation
After successfully completing all the examinations prescribed in the curriculum, you will receive a digital copy of your degree certificate by email to your Uni-Graz email address.
You can then register for graduation at the Study and Examination Office.